Collective approaches − added value for nature and climate protection in the agricultural landscape

Art.-Nr.: P106 EN 2021 1D

Many current issues in climate or biodiversity protection are related to our domestic land use. In this respect, the future direction of the Common Agri­cultural Policy (CAP) is being discussed intensively. A central question is how farmers as agricultural entrepreneurs can be strongly attracted to corporate public wel­fare objectives such as species, biodiversity and climate protection, peatland and water protection or biotope networking. This requires new ideas and new concepts: thinking on the part of individual farms must be linked synergistical­ly with collective action!

In these recommendations, Landcare Germany (DVL) wants to provide an in­itial guideline on how cooperation in the 1st and 2nd pillars of the CAP should be approached for the benefit of all, and which tools and mechanisms must be used to achieve this.

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