"Branding the landscape"

Art.-Nr.: PXXX EN 2007 1D

The great variety of cultural landscape as we know and value it from many regions of Europe has originated through human use. In the past 20 years, regional marketing has proven itself to be an effective instrument for creating value from preserving the landscape and in so doing safeguarding this value economically.

This guide has been developed within the framework of the “LIFESCAPE YOUR LANDSCAPE” European project and is supported by means of the EU INTERREG program and the German Federal Ministry for food, farming and consumer protection. It offers both new and experienced regional initiatives the possibility to extend and professionalise their work. The booklet uses questions rather than answers as a guide, thereby helping one to prepare for own decision-making instead of making decisions on their behalf. For this reason it is a valuable support for both “beginners” and “advanced” in their work.

With this booklet, the project partners of the “LIFESCAPE YOUR LANDSCAPE” project and the German Association for Landcare (DVL) e.V., as the umbrella organisation for the Landcare Associations, the biological centres and similar organisations, offer the regional marketer a practically orientated and easy to use guide.

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